الأربعاء، 10 يوليو 2019

Fish-Handler's Disease

A series of common diseases

Fish-Handler's Disease:

About the disease:

Sometimes a question may come to mind: can fish be caught in human diseases?
The answer is simply yes ... Fish can cause many diseases for humans, but today a disease may develop into a serious disease, fish-handler's disease or those who are closely related to fish and deal with them such as fishermen or owners of fish farms or Ornamental fish breeders and others get together to learn about this disease What is it? What are its causes?
What are his symptoms? How does it develop into a serious illness? What are the ways to prevent it?What are the treatment methods?

What is Fish-Handler's Disease?

Is a disease caused by many types of bacteria and of the two types ( Mycobacterium and Erysipelothrix) and affects the disease
Fish traders such as fishermen, fish farm owners, fish breeders and domestic aquarium breeders have many names
Other terms such as:

- Fish handlers for fish handler's nodules

- Fish pellet granuloma

- Fish tank tuberculosin.

Arcypiloid Infections.


And many other names and terms

What causes this disease? And ways to harm him?

This disease occurs mainly when someone is injured or scratched by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae or one of the other bacteria
Of the microorganisms such as marinum and fortuitum. The wounds may come as a result of exposing the person to a poke of one of the spikes of the fish or the wound of the decorations located in the basin or the impact of the bite of the fish is fierce.
This is why caution must always be taken when dealing with fish by transport and the like or aquarium   Wear appropriate gloves for this and be careful.
The disease is spread around the world and caused by many organisms, both in salt water or fresh, such as crabs, shrimp, fish, coral reefs and others. One study has shown that the disease is widespread in the Gulf of Chesapeake, where they found that 76% of workers in the planned bus farms infected with the disease.

What are the symptoms and signs of fish handler's disease?

Here are the symptoms of a fish-handler's disease caused by a bacterium
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae or other types of bacteria mentioned above

The disease usually develops two to seven days after the skin has been infected with bacteria. We must know that it may take several months. This is due to the strength of the immune system of the infected person. The bacteria are called opportunistic bacteria, which are waiting for the weakness of the immune system to spread and attack the cells.
And then begin to appear red circular area tend to violet and increase the area of ​​injury in Qatar about half an inch and may accompany the infection in severe referrals in people with weakened immunity and stiffness joints joints and swelling of the lymph nodes and sometimes be painful and accompanied by severe itching and swelling at the site of injury.
In the case of the disease caused by mycobacteria or Mycobacteriosis develops the disease and begin symptoms appear within two weeks to four weeks of exposure to the injury and may be up to nine months for the emergence of symptoms and this is due to the strength of the immune system of the person infected.
In this type, the symptoms of the disease appear in the form of nodules or outings or ulcers with the change of skin color and developed very slowly (months)
The condition may also develop into pain in the joints, swollen lymph nodes and tendonitis.
In both types, the disease may develop into people who are immune to the inflammation of the bloodstream (infection), as well as inflammation of the heart valves and failure of the heart and may develop God forbid to cancer of the blood or skin or lymph nodes.

When should I seek medical care when I have a fish handler's disease?

If a person has been infected with any skin disease, whether painful or not, after dealing with fish or other aquatic organisms, or after swimming, boating, hunting or cleaning the fish ponds, he must seek medical attention immediately.

How is the diagnosis diagnosed?

Accurate diagnosis of the disease is done by conducting a PCR analysis or test for the specific bacteria.

First aid and treatment for fish handler's disease and medications required:

First wash the wound or scratch with running water and soap well.
Secondly, in relation to the drugs after the PCR test, the type of bacteria or organisms causing the disease is determined. As mentioned above, we are dealing with two types of causes of the disease

- In case of injury to bacteria Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae:

Oral penicillin is often administered, but after the absence of any penicillin allergy is confirmed.
In advanced cases such as hemoglobin, fourth-generation penicillin, such as cephalosporin or clindamycin
You should continue to take antibiotics throughout the period prescribed by your doctor.
In some cases accompanied by severe pain can be used one of the appropriate painkillers.

- Type II of mycobacteria or Mycobacteriosis:

Treatment of Mycobacteriosis fish disease requires the use of antibiotics
- Rivampin.
- sulfamethoxazole.
The differentiation between these types of antibiotics according to the response of the patient to treatment and severity of the disease and the extent of treatment here varies from person to person according to the severity of the disease and the strength of the immune system from two weeks to 18 months.
In some cases we may need to give antibiotics intravenously and may require the surgical removal of some of the infected tissues in the tendons and joints.
Finally, I hope that the article will be appreciated and that you will benefit from reading it and do not forget to wait for your responses to the article and any other queries in the comments.

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